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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 140 - Results. Or Not.

I know I posted earlier about the results or lack thereof, but I'm still trying to catch up! 

Jaco did indeed call this morning. I had left Skype on, but my computer went to sleep. So when he phoned at 0400 on the house phone, he woke the house up! Whoops! Mom woke up & brought me the phone, looking all disheveled & nothing like herself. I love that she says to me, 'It's 4 o'clock, what are you still doing up?' Um, what are YOU doing up? Maybe we're up for the same reason? We heard the phone ring? :o) She later came back to my room to tell me to talk quieter - I love how she can hear a pin drop without hearing aids at 0400, but can't hear me talk across the table when she's wide awake & hearing aids in. Sigh. 

Anyhow, Jaco was on his way... Capetown to Johannesburg to Atlanta to Montego Bay. He was flying business class, so hopefully he'll catch a little rest on the plane & not be too wiped for work!

I went back to bed & fell asleep to the sounds of Mom printing, typing & clicking away in the next room. She was up & didn't want to go back to bed. Yes, I feel bad! They left about 1100 for their big road trip.

I left for town shortly thereafter. I had some running around to do & of course, the biopsy results at 1400. As I mentioned earlier, I waited 2.5 hours only to be told they didn't have the results back! $8.75 in parking... The poor fellow at the pay booth. He received all of my change! I am glad he didn't drop the parking 'arm' on my car as I exited!!

After I was set free with a week of wiggle room, I ran my errands, the usual, CNF, Costco, and then to prayers. It was a great night at prayers! Valentina was exceptionally charming & managed to gain the affection of everyone there! That's my girl! :o)

So there you have it! The exciting day that wasn't! Here's to a bigger & better tomorrow! Ha!

Love & hugs, 
Maria & Valentina

Doesn't this room look like a fun place to hang out for 2.5 hrs?

I mean, who wouldn't want to chill out in this avocado green chair for half the day? It looks so comfy! I'm sure there's a massage button somewhere!

Even Valentina got bored!


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