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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 159 - The Next Next Chapter

Back to where it all began. Well, the blog anyways! Yup, today Lil’ Miss V & I boarded a big ol’ aero-plane bound for San Diego.

I had a particularly crappy night’s sleep, probably because I was so worried about today’s flights & getting to the airport on time always stresses me out. (No just because I’m generally always late, but also because my luggage is usually too heavy & today I was flying on my own with Valentina.

My day started off with a call from Roxy. Then Collet. Then Granny. Then Jaco. Then Laura. I will certainly say, I am so sad to be saying goodbye to all my wonderful & dear friends. They have been there for me through thick & thin & I will be quite lonely without my daily calls to at least one of them! I know I will have Skype & Facebook for awhile & then email, but it’s just not the same. Don’t kid yourself, today saw a lot of tears fall from my eyes!

Mom took me to the airport & we also had a teary goodbye. We’ve had a rocky few months, but I’m happy to say that we parted on proper Mother/Daughter terms & not disgruntled roommate terms! :o)

Security was a nightmare. The queue was ridiculously long & they didn’t even have enough bins to put your stuff in! I put my shoes, belt, jacket, (1/2 my clothing) in one bin, with my liquids. My laptop in one bin & then I had my carryon case, purse & of course, Valentina’s carrier. Apparently one person can’t have 5 ‘scans’, so they made me chuff the bag full of Valentina’s food & treats into my existing luggage. They swabbed ALL of my bags & clothing & even made me put my hands in my pockets & swabbed them! Thank the Good Lord I didn’t have to do the full body scan! It was there, but I didn’t notice anyone in it.

Getting on the plane was just as bad. I had just bought a tea from Starbucks when the started boarding. Having my hands full, I awkwardly made my way down the passage. When I approached the plane, the ‘friendly’ stewardess tells me I can’t bring my carry on case onto the plane. Yeah, right. It’s the one that has my laptop, hard drives & cameras in it. Like I’m going to let those out of my sight! Thank goodness I’d used my bowling bag of a purse, so I could fit my cameras in it & I just carried my laptop onboard.

I sat next to a beautiful Mom from California. She had her 3 month old son with her & we chit chatted our way through most of the flight. Her Grandma stays in the same Assisted Living Home my Granny used to live in! Her little guy had the cutest dimples & was all smiles until we started to descend. With half an hour to go, he got quite fussy, understandably so, and I started a game of peek-a-boo with the in-air shopping magazine. When peek-a-boo didn’t cut it any longer, I tore a page out of the magazine & crinkled it. MAGIC!! He was completely enthralled! It sounded just like those little crinkle book toys you get for babies, so I thought, ‘Why not?’ I went through about 5 pages – they lose their crinkliness after awhile – so sadly, if anyone wants to order the ‘Caveman/Yeti’ for their garden or the hair growth powder, I’m afraid I’ve ruined their chances! The little fellow fell asleep shortly before we landed.

After a brief wait in the San Francisco airport, they announced it was boarding time. I had my luggage prepared like they had asked me to on the previous flight, so when I fumbled my way up to the attendant checking us in, he took one look at me & said 'You're going to have to check one of those bags. You've got 4 bags & you're only allowed 2. You'll have to put a 3rd one inside one of the other bags.'

I looked at him in disbelief. 'You're kidding me, right? This is what they made me do on the last flight & it was fine. One bag is my carry-on, which is too big, so I put it a la carte & take out my camera gear & laptop. Another bag is my purse & the third bag is my dog's carrier.'

He considered the LIVE ANIMAL a bag. Are you kidding me? After I notify the airline & no one tells me this will count towards my carry-on total... I don't think so! I was furious! I rammed my laptop into my purse & asked if he was happy. I was so frustrated getting on that plane! Then, to my surprise, I see these HUGE overhead bins! I could have left everything as it was & been fine! I really wish these airlines would get their act together. And Mr. Jeremy Smith should be a little more helpful when it comes to his paying customers! Yes, United Airlines will be getting an email from me!

I sat next to a Swedish Pole Vaulter. What? You haven't met a Swedish Pole Vaulter before? You need to get out more! Ha ha. I thought this was about the most random combination I could have possibly met! He was a sweet young chap, on his way to San Diego for 5 weeks of training. 

I was met by Alexandra, who turned out to be Dr. Castillo's daughter! I was tickled pink when I saw the sign reading:

Awh! How cute! They even included Valentina in the welcome sign! Alexandra drove us to the hotel & helped with the luggage. On our drive there, I asked what she did. It turns out she is a Psychologist & she helps people with addictions, eating disorders, and hey! Did I ever have some questions for her! She helped me understand the reasons behind my 'closet eating' & well, I just love it when things like that happen! Little serendipity moments make life beautiful!

Exhausted, I crashed at about 0200. Morning is going to come early! Sleep well & see you in Tijuana!

Maria & Valentina

Tweet Pea & Nonna enjoying a ride in NeverLate

Nonna says goodbye to Valentina

Last minute stuffing before we leave Canada!

The Gorgeous Alexandra who fetched us at the airport


Anonymous said...

I wish, that when travelling with a baby in particular, that all airline passenger were as fabulous as you! Janis

Jenn said...

I agree with Janis! I wish everyone was as understanding when travelling with small kids. So proud of you!!

Anonymous said...

I think Valentina should just come back home... I miss her... I know just get the other one you say! Glad to hear you met Alexandra, hope she helped you, and awareness is the first step...
Hugs Mom

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