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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 150 - She Cleans & OMGosh - Is She? What the? SHE COOKS?!?!

Yes, call me Domesticated. Well, maybe not. Don't get too excited! It was nothing out of a Martha Stewart magazine. 

I had an email regarding the wedding decorations I'm trying to sell on Kijiji & the potential buyer wanted to know what all I had. I had written in down in last year's day planner, which I couldn't seem to find. I searched all over the house with no luck. Well, I must have packed it down to the bunkhouse last week when I was tidying up some stuff. 

Away I go, with Valentina sniffing along behind me. She is the funniest dog to watch jump a puddle. She leaps so high, rather then making use of her length, and then she falls short & ends up getting wet anyhow. It really is quite priceless! She is also getting very good at coming when I call her off leash. In fact, I've never seen her run so fast. It's really hard no to laugh as I watch her run to me. She looks so hilarious with her ears flopping & slicked back on her head. Her little legs just giving all they've got... I love my dog!

I pilfer through the bunkhouse again & find a few treasures (still no luck on the underwater housing) but I don't find the day planner. I walk back to the house & decide that perhaps it is in the car. Dear ol' Contemplate needs a bit of a clean, so I take the winter boots out, Valentina's toys & bits of toys, oh yeah, the air filter! I can change that too! 

I take the clamps off & take out the old air filter. Eew. There are bits of chips, green things & brown things. I'm not sure what they are or how they got there, but the vacuum is in order. So I decide to do a little Spring cleaning & vacuum the car, top off the windshield fluid, change the air filter, take out all the bits & pieces... There! Just like new! You'd never know she was 20 years old! BTW, still no day planner. But I did find:

  • Slave for studio lighting
  • Speakers & stereo still waiting to be installed
  • Roll of duct tape under the seat
  • Pair of socks from the hike Jaco & I did in September (yes, 6 months ago) (Oh my gosh, I know it's gross, but it SO does NOT compare to the stink bugs living under the bike seat that we put in the cab of the car to get to the trail head. THAT IS ONE SMELL I WILL NEVER FORGET!)
  • Guide book for Banff
  • Keith Urban concert ticket stubs
  • The missing hamburger patty! Yay! No stench come July!!!
  • Coins in various amounts
I quickly take the vacuum back inside the house before Mom gets home or any passer's -by might see me & think I know what I'm doing... 

I was quite baffled now, as I didn't know where else to look for the day planner. I'll look in the desk one more time. I thought it should have been there, as I usually leave it there, but I'd already looked twice. Maybe it's in the back of this... drawer. Found it!

I emailed the prospective buyer & about that time, Mom arrived home. I had promised I would cook supper. I had picked up a few cookbooks & picked out a recipe from each one. I started to mark the pages in each book when Mom asked me if I'd started the recipe already. No, why? Well, it says you have to dehydrate the squash for 18 hours. Whoopsie! Okay, so no raw dish for tonight. I couldn't do the Indian dish either, because not only did I not know what Bengal gram was, but apparently neither does CNF or Safeway! I was left with an Italian pasta dish & a Russian vegetable dish. 

I THOROUGHLY read each recipe before I began. The Russian one consisted of mushrooms & eggplant in a creamy sauce. Okay, is the cream bad? Should it have chunks in it? MOM! Come smell this... Nope, still good. The dish turned out quite good. But we were too full from eating the pasta, which was ready first, that we didn't have much room for it! Tomorrow!

The pasta dish was another story. I think I would have failed my first day of Italian Culinary school. The recipe called for pasta, pepper & cheese. Pretty easy, no? Well, I couldn't find fresh egg pasta, so I used rice linguini instead. The directions were to keep some of the water from cooking the pasta for the sauce. But since I used hard rice pasta, my water turned all milky & stuff. And I overcooked the pasta. Mushy. Next up was the peppercorns. It said to gently warm them in a frying pan to release the 'aroma & flavour'. Cool, I feel like a real chef! Releasing aroma! Then it said to crush the peppercorns using a mortar & pestle & if you didn't have one of those, then just put the peppercorns in a tea towel & crush them using a frying pan. 

I put the peppercorns in the towel on top of the cutting board & I take my warm-ish frying pan & WHACK, WHACK, WHACK. Crap. I just broke the handle on Mom's frying pan. Hmm. I suppose they probably just meant put pressure on the frying pan to crush the peppercorns, not annihilate them & the frying pan by use of brute force. Thank goodness Winners carries good pans! And thank goodness I just so happened to have a mortar & pestle left behind by a ship mate that she picked up in Costa Rica! I had never used it. Now I know why. The darned peppercorns just kept flying out of the mortar! I think Valentina sniffed more peppercorns than went into the pasta!

So that was supper. I'm feeling a little queasy at the moment. If there aren't any further blog posts after a week, maybe send someone over to check on Mom & I. 

Just let it be said - I did cook. Whether or not it is suitable for humans, well, I'll let you know how we're doing tomorrow! 

Jaco called after dinner - thank goodness he didn't call while I was cooking! I don't need him getting any bright ideas! :o) We discussed our 'Reunion' plans & it looks like I'll be heading to the ship on the 17th of April. Hello Barbados & more importantly, Hello Man of My Dreams!!!! I can't wait to see him! It's been too long! Again! 

Tomorrow I'm off to SK. Again. Bear with me as I try to keep up with the posting!

Love & kitchen kisses,
Maria & Valentina

My sneaky Mom taking a photo of the unsuspected unsuspecting chef.

Doesn't Mom know what happens when people with knives in their hands become upset? They break frying pans!!!


Anonymous said...

Jill, your frying pan fiasco makes me giggle. I guess you will have to go to Italy for cooking lessons (like you need an excuse to go there!). Happy to hear that you will be together with Jaco in a few weeks (and in the Barbados!). What's the scoop on Annie - will Bragg Creek be her new home??

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